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Care Culture at Food Lover’s Market | Love My Journey

Pioneering a Culture of Care at Food Lover’s Market

Food Lover’s Market embarked on a groundbreaking journey at the end of 2016, becoming the first corporation in South Africa to embrace the ‘Love My Journey’ approach as part of the Greenlight Movement. This initiative, aimed at fostering a conscious and inclusive culture, has set a new standard for corporate social responsibility and employee well-being in the country.

Laura Bergh, Chief Enabler at The Greenlight Office, lauds Food Lover’s Market for their courageous and authentic commitment to understanding and supporting their colleagues. By addressing the underlying social issues affecting their employees’ lives outside of work, Food Lover’s Market has become an inspiration for other organisations seeking to make a positive impact on their employees’ quality of life.

At the heart of Food Lover’s Market’s Earth Lovers Sustainability strategy lies a profound belief in the importance of putting people first. This ethos has led to a comprehensive approach to employee well-being that extends beyond traditional corporate benefits. Through initiatives like Love My Journey, Food Lover’s Market empowers its employees to take charge of their personal and professional growth, thereby creating a culture where every individual can thrive.

Love My Journey Programme

The Love My Journey programme, launched in partnership with The Greenlight Movement, is a testament to Food Lover’s Market’s commitment to understanding and supporting its colleagues. By utilizing a social methodology and survey, this programme helps employees progress out of poverty by empowering them to understand and own their journeys to a better quality of life.

Through Love My Journey, Food Lover’s Market gains invaluable insights into the challenges their colleagues face and implements targeted interventions to support and uplift them. This approach not only demonstrates a genuine commitment to employee well-being but also serves as a model for corporate social responsibility in South Africa.

Understanding Love My Journey

The Love My Journey approach, facilitated by The Greenlight Movement, utilizes visual and text elements to engage individuals in self-diagnosing their quality of life. This innovative survey employs a family metric, using colours like red, yellow, and green to illustrate areas where individuals may be struggling or thriving.

Key insights from the Love My Journey programme reveal critical challenges faced by Food Lover’s Market colleagues, including limited understanding of budgeting and saving, living paycheck to paycheck, and being the sole income provider in their households. Armed with this knowledge, Food Lover’s Market can tailor interventions to address these specific needs and support their colleagues on their journey to financial stability and personal growth.

Feedback from participants in the Love My Journey programme underscores its impact, with employees expressing gratitude for the opportunity to reflect on their circumstances and chart a path forward. This holistic approach to employee well-being reflects Food Lover’s Market’s commitment to building a conscious and inclusive culture where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

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