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Boerewors with Traditional Mielie Pap and a Tomato and Basil Smoor

This recipe is as South African as it gets, boerie on the braai, traditional pap, and a lekker tomato smoor. The small additional of basil in this chunky tomato relish (smoor) bring an extra depth of flavour. Enjoy this truly South African meal any day of the week…especially Heritage day.


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What other recipe can I make with Boerewors?

Boerewors is best as is or as a Boerie roll, but you can enjoy it in other dishes too, like rump boerewors meatball pitas. Browse through some of our tried and tested boerewors recipes here.

What other dishes are South African?

Feast on some traditional, as well as new-takes on South African classic recipes here.

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