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Cheesy Pulled Pork Jaffle with Pineapple Salsa

Jaffles, are a satisfying comfort, especially in winter. But, this jaffle is ultra indulgent, filled with pulled pork and made extra cheesy. We paired it with a seasonal pineapple salsa to balance out that rich pulled pork. Use leftover pork from a pork roast, and make it super cheesy with cheddar and mozzarella, plus a homemade BBQ sauce. What makes this even more indulgent? The fresh Food Lover’s Ouma brood! Sound a little too rich for you? That’s why we’ve got a pineapple salsa, the perfect accompaniment for a sweet pop and a little added crunch!

Prep time
20 minutes
Cooking time
30 minutes

Additional Notes

Enjoy this pulled pork jaffle around the campfire.

For the best pork cuts, ask your local butcher or read this blog: Know your pork cuts.

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