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Chia Blueberry Bars


Makes 1 x 20cm x 20cm tin.

Feeling snacky? Try eating something high in fibre! Enjoy these tasty vegan blueberry chia bars for dessert or breakfast with a blueberry chia jam using coconut sugar, a crunchy almond topping & zesty lemon drizzle.

Foods high in fibre help you feel full longer, only two tablespoons of chia seeds have 11g of fibre so we added it into these blueberry jars to create a more “guilt-free” treat!
Prep time
25 minutes
Cooking time
35 minutes

Additional Notes

What if I don’t like blueberries?  Substitutes the blueberries in the chia jam for another berry like strawberries or raspberries. If they aren’t in season, then grab some frozen berries.

Can these blueberry bars be Gluten-Free? YES! Simply substitute the regular flour with gluten-free flour.

What if I don’t want sugar? You can replace the lemon icing with a lemon coconut cream, or simply leave out the icing.

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