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Cinnamon Bunny Twist

Indulge in the sweet and festive flavors of Easter with our cinnamon bunny twists! We love celebrating occasions with tasty fun recipes that are easy to make. These Easter twists are super easy to make, and fun for the kids. These adorable bunny-shaped pastries, topped with a cream cheese bunny-tail.


Perfect for sharing with family and friends, our Easter cinnamon bunny twists are a must-try for any food lover looking to add some fun to their holiday menu.

Prep time
25 minutes
Cooking time
25 minutes

Additional Notes

Brush the seams with water. The edges of the puff pastry square don’t get buttered or sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, but they still won’t stick together without help. Brushing these edges with cold water will ensure they don’t split apart in the oven, turning your neat bunny ears into weirdly wild tree branches.


Give the twists their space. Puff pastry does, well, puff in the oven, so it’s essential that the twists have room to grow.

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