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Citrus, Sweet Potato & Poppy Seed Cake


Have you ever baked a sweet potato cake? Paired with delicious citrus fruits and poppy seeds, this cake is the ultimate for a weekend this Winter. The beautiful orange sweet potatoes are a little sweeter than the purple ones, plus they add some nutrients to your cake. The refreshing flavours of citrus, like oranges and lemons, paired with poppy seeds in this moist cake, filled with delicious sugar-free citrus-infused cream cheese.

Prep time
25 minutes
Cooking time
25 minutes

Additional Notes

What if I don’t have gluten-free flour?
You can use a flour of choice, such as regular cake flour or spelt flour, or oat flour.
What if I don’t have Almond Milk?
Use any milk of choice that suits your lifestyle.

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