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Grilled Cauliflower Steaks with Crispy Chickpeas and a Mango Salad


Have you paired mango with cauliflower before? This recipe is a seriously delicious alternative for plant-based eaters and reducetarians, the carnivores might even want this once a week! The seasonal mango salad includes a bite with some chilies, fresh mint, and lightly toasted almonds. As for the dressing? It’s the must-have accompaniment for those grilled cauli-steaks. Yes, CAULI-STEAKS! You must have tried cauli=rice,  cauli-mash, and cauli-pizza…well, it’s time to try a cauliflower steak. It’s super simple, and pretty satisfying! This recipe is super easy, and could quick become a weeknight staple; brought to you by @SAMangoes, the South African Mango Growers’ Association.

Learn more about Mangoes here.

Prep time
15 minutes
Cooking time
35 minutes

Additional Notes

How can I make the salad dressing Vegan?

Substitute the greek-style or double cream yoghurt with coconut cream, or coconut yoghurt. Add a tsp of tahini for an extra flavour boost.

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