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Hot Cross Bun French Toast


We love french toast, we love Hot cross buns…& we LOVE Hot Cross Bun french toast?! Chef Aya whipped some HCB French toast up, served with fried banana, vanilla cream & maple syrup. We got a panel of avid foodies, & HCB enthusiasts to give it try…and it’s a definite YAY from our taste-test panelists. See for yourself here. NOTE, this recipe serves 1 / makes 1 HCB french toast. Adjust quantities to what you need.

Get really indulgent and make this Hot Cross Bun french toast with our Chocolate Hot Cross buns!


Additional Notes

Not a fan of banana or fried banana? Top the HCB french toast with anything you like, fresh berries, a berry compote, melted chocolate…it’s up to you!

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