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Shakshuka with Potatoes and Avo


Stir Crazy Cooking School showed us how to make this simple, easy Shakshuka using participating products from our Hunger Month campaign. This includes potatoes, tomatoes, and avo! Enjoy a delicious Shakshuka for breakfast, brunch or lunch & top it with basil and avocado packed with flavour and nutrients.

Download the recipe here.

Want to learn more about cooking techniques, or take part in some fun, interactive cooking classes? Check out Stir Crazy Cooking School.

Prep time
20 minutes
Cooking time
15 minutes

Additional Notes

What can I substitute for Harissa?

You can use red peppers, chillies and lemon juice instead, or a mild chilli paste.

Can I add meat to this Shakshuka recipe?

Yes! Chef Brett from Stir Crazy Cooking recommends Chorizo.

What else can I add to the Shakshuka?

You could add beans or baked beans for some extra protein.

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