Using your fingers and a very sharp knife, free the meat from around the top of each chicken leg.
Remove the knob from the top of the leg and discard.
Keeping the skin on, dislocate the thigh bone from the drumstick bone and cut through the joint to free and remove the thigh.
Debone the thigh and dice the meat into small pieces.
Place the diced chicken into a bowl with the chopped onion, garlic and fresh herbs and mix well together. Season with salt and pepper.
Return to the chicken and remover the sharp ‘thorn’ bone from the leg, keeping the meat intact.
‘Stuff’ the chicken leg with the minced chicken meat and the onion, folding the skin over the base to seal the stuffing. Wrap in cling wrap and tie with a piece of string.
Bring a little water to the boil in a steamer.
Place the chicken thighs in the steamer and allow to steam, covered, for 20 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and let cool.
With the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven to 180°C.
Drain the sauced from the cooked chicken into a saucepan and add the remaining ingredients.
Bring to the boil and allow to reduce until sticky. When sticky, dip the cooked chicken legs into the sauce and plat onto a baking tray.
When sticky, dip the cooked chicken legs into the sauce and plat onto a baking tray.
Place in the oven and allow to brown for 10-15 minutes.
Remove from the oven and plate, using the left-over sauce.
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