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Waterblommetjie Spanakopita

What are waterblommetjies? Waterblommetjies are in season in Winter. The texture of the flowers is somewhat like miniature artichoke leaves, but the taste steers more towards green beans with a hint of lemon.
If you do know waterblommetjies, you either not sure how to cook ’em, love ’em or you’re not fond of that waterblommetjie bredie texture, right?! These spanakopitas will change your mind about waterblommetjies. A South African ingredient paired with one of our team’s most-loved Greek dishes; we bring you a waterblommetjie spanakopita!
A new take on spanakopitas for the season of waterblommetjies.  If you have never tried them then this recipe is how you should try them.

Prep time
20 minutes
Cooking time
32 minutes

Additional Notes

Waterblommetjie preparation tips:

  • Soaking the waterblommetjies in salted water will get rid of any sand.
  • Lemon juice will help the waterblommetjies retain colour.

What are waterblommetjies?

Learn more about what waterblommetjies are, where they come from, and how to cook them here. 

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