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Oxtail Ravioli with Burnt Butter, Greens and Chilli Oil


You’ll want that leftover oxtail stew just so that you can make this recipe! Even if it’s just a little, a little goes a long way and is worth it for homemade oxtail ravioli. If you have some time, don’t be put off by making your own pasta – just relax and follow there recipe. It can be really fun, do it with your partner, as some me-time or invite a mate over.

Prep time
1 minutes
Cooking time
30 minutes

Additional Notes

  • Find a basic oxtail stew recipe here.
  • This recipe makes 16-20 8cm ravioli.
  • 1 Hour preparation time is split into 30 mins prep and 30 mins resting time.  


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