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Food Lover’s Market Moffett Retail Park


Moffett Retail Park
Port Elizabeth

Store features

Wheelchair friendly

Trading hours

Closed | Opens on Tuesday at 08:00
Monday08:00 | 18:00
Tuesday08:00 | 18:00
Wednesday08:00 | 18:00
Thursday08:00 | 18:00
Friday08:00 | 18:00
Saturday08:00 | 17:00
Sunday08:00 | 16:00
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Our beneficiary organisations of Food Lover’s Market Moffett Retail Park

MTR Kinderhuis

MTR Smit Children’s Haven is a registered NPO and provides residential care, therapy and support to 80 children, between the ages of 3 – 18 years who have been removed from parental care due to severe neglect, physical – emotional and sexual abuse, and or abandonment.

Merryvale School for Specialised Education

Merryvale is a school for severely intellectually disabled learners. They strive to empower learners of differing abilities, holistically, to reach their fullest potential and to become meaningful citizens.

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Khayalethu Youth Centre

This centre provides a home and place of safety for 35 at-risk boys and young men between the ages of six and 21, with the aim of preparing them physically, emotionally and intellectually so that they can become responsible, functioning members of society.

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