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Closed – Bothasig Birthday Competition – Terms and Conditions

We are running a competition at Food Lover’s Market Bothasig for the store birthday.

How to Enter:

  1. Buy any 3 Food Lover’s Little Muncher Meals.
  2. Scan the QR code to enter online: Grab your phone, open your camera app, and scan the code.
  3. Submit your details: The QR code will direct you to a Google entry form on our website: Simply fill in your name, surname, email address, and cell phone number, and upload an image of your till slip.



1.1 The Food Lover’s Market group (being Food Lover’s Holdings and all of its direct and indirect subsidiaries) (“Promoter”, “we”, “us”) are running a competition whereby (“Competition”) the customer can win an Airfryer Phillips 3000 series (5.6L) XL at the value of R3 699, by buying any 3 Little Muncher Meals.

1.2 The Competition will be conducted by the Promoter and its third-party contractors, where applicable.

1.3 The Competitions will run from 23 October until 26 November 2023.


2.1 Buy any 3 Little Muncher Meals products as promoted.

2.2 Scan the QR code or follow the link found on the product or instore, to enter online.

2.3 The QR code will direct the entrant to an entry form on the webpage:

2.4 You are required to insert your name, email, cell phone number and image of the slip showing the purchase of the meals. 


3.1 No one who is a director, employee or agent of or consultant to us or who is a spouse, life partner, close family member, business partner, or associate to a director, employee or agent of or consultant to us may take part or enter the competition.

3.2 This competition is only open to legal residents of South Africa aged 18 years or over.

3.3 You must have a valid South African delivery address and ID when claiming a prize.

3.4 Any violation or suspicion or attempt to violate any of these rules will result in the immediate disqualification of the entrant.


4.1 The promotion details:

4.1.1 From 23 – 29 October 2023: Buy any 3 Little Muncher Meals for R90.

4.1.2 From 30 October – 26 November 2023: Buy any 3 Little Muncher Meals for R100.

4.2 On or about 27 November 2023, the prize winners will be randomly drawn. The outcomes of the random draws are final and cannot be challenged or appealed.

4.3 Each winner will be contacted telephonically. We will attempt to contact winners three times during a 72-hour period. If we cannot contact the winner during this period, we will draw another winner. Winners who have not given us the correct details will forfeit the prize.

4.4 Should you be randomly drawn as a prize winner, you will be responsible for collecting the prize from the Food Lover’s Market Bothasig store which you will confirm with ourselves telephonically.

4.5 You cannot ask us to give you another prize of similar value or to pay out the value of the prize. We may substitute any prize with another prize of similar value.

4.6 If you do not claim your prize within 3 days, you will forfeit it and we may re-award it.

4.7 Winners are required to supply a valid identification document (SA ID, passport or document proving permanent residence) and any other validation procedure determined by the Promoter in order to claim the prize.

4.8 Winners have the discretion to agree to have their photo taken, which may be used together with their name by the Promoter or its agencies for advertising and promotional purposes, without the obligation to notify or reimburse the winner.


5.1 We are not liable for any technical failures affecting the participation in the Competition and assume no liability whatsoever for any entry that has been omitted from participation for any reason whatsoever.

5.2 We cannot be held responsible for any losses, harm, injury, claims, actions or damages suffered as a result of participation in this Competition or use of the prizes by the winners or any third parties.

5.3 We are not responsible for any warranty/guarantee in respect of any of the prizes.


6.1 You acknowledge that we require your personal information, as defined in POPIA, and voluntarily consent to our processing such information in order to fulfil our obligations in terms of these terms and condition and/or obligations incidental to these terms and conditions.

6.2 We shall comply with laws applicable to us relating to the protection of personal information in connection with these terms and conditions, including but not limited to POPIA.

6.3 In respect of our receipt of personal information from yourself, we shall –

6.3.1 only process such personal information for the purposes and duration of the Competitions;

6.3.2 implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the personal information against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, damage, alteration, or disclosure; and

6.3.3 notify you immediately after we become aware of any unauthorised or unlawful processing, loss of, damage to or destruction of such personal information.

6.4 You confirm that you are aware that you have the following rights with regard to such personal information which is collected. The right to –

6.4.1 access the information at any reasonable time for purposes of rectification of the information;

6.4.2 reasonably object to the processing of the information subject to the conditions set out in these terms and condition or POPIA; or

6.4.3 lodge a complaint to the Information Regulator


7.1 Acceptance of these terms and conditions. Entry into these Competitions are regarded as acceptance of these terms and conditions.

7.2 Amendment to these terms and conditions. We may in our sole discretion amend these terms and conditions at any time.

7.3 Dispute Resolution. If there is any dispute, the parties must refer the dispute within 15 business days to arbitration (including any appeal against the arbitrator’s decision) under AFSA’s latest rules for expedited arbitrations.

7.4 Force majeure. No party will be responsible for any breach of these terms and conditions caused by circumstances beyond its control.

7.5 Governing laws. South African laws govern these terms and conditions.

7.6 Termination of the Competitions. We reserve the right to terminate the Competitions immediately and without notice for whatsoever reason. If this happens you will not have any claim against us.

7.7 Provisions Severable

All provisions and the various clauses of these terms and conditions are, notwithstanding the manner in which they have been grouped together or linked grammatically, severable from each other.  Any provision or clause of these terms and conditions which is or becomes unenforceable in any jurisdiction, whether due to voidness, invalidity, illegality, unlawfulness or for any other reason whatever, shall, in such jurisdiction only and only to the extent that it is so unenforceable, be treated as pro non scripto and the remaining provisions and clauses of these terms and conditions shall remain of full force and effect.  The parties declare that it is their intention that these terms and conditions would be executed without such unenforceable provision if they were aware of such unenforceability at the time of execution hereof.

7.8 Continuing Effectiveness of Certain Provisions

The expiration or termination of these terms and conditions shall not affect such of the provisions of these terms and conditions as expressly provide that they will operate after any such expiration or termination or which of necessity must continue to have effect after such expiration or termination, notwithstanding that the clauses themselves do not expressly provide for this.

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