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Delivering Quality Products Responsibly

Food Lover’s Market Commitment to Quality and Responsibility

At Food Lover’s Market, our brand promise revolves around providing the best range and the highest quality products to our customers. This promise wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated efforts of our suppliers, who play a pivotal role in ensuring that we deliver on our commitment to excellence.

Loyalty and Shared Values

We believe in showing loyalty to our suppliers, many of whom have been with us since the inception of our journey. Our longstanding partnerships are built on shared values, particularly a commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. We’re passionate about aligning ourselves with suppliers who share these values, constantly seeking to expand our range of fair trade, organic, free-range, and sustainably sourced products.

Good Agricultural Practices and Environmental Impact

Recognising the significant impact of agriculture on the environment and biodiversity, we are dedicated to working with our farmers and producers to implement good agricultural practices. One of our key suppliers, FVC International, plays a crucial role in ensuring the freshness and quality of our produce. With a distribution network spanning the country, FVC International guarantees that our customers receive the best quality produce at affordable prices. Importantly, all produce exported through FVC International meets GLOBALG.A.P. standards, ensuring safe and sustainable agricultural production.

Promoting Sustainable Practices

We’re committed to promoting sustainable practices throughout our supply chain. For instance, our pork products come from suppliers who are members of the Pork 360 assurance scheme, which verifies the integrity of South African pork through stringent standards covering food safety, traceability, animal welfare, biosecurity, and environmental stewardship. Similarly, our beef supplier, Karan Beef, boasts an FSSC 22000 accreditation, highlighting their commitment to food safety management systems.

Promoting Free-Range Choices

Recognising the importance of offering free-range choices to our customers, we’re actively working with our suppliers to increase the percentage of free-range lamb and chicken. Our goal is to better promote our free-range chicken offering in all our stores nationwide, thereby increasing the percentage of free-range meat sold.

At Food Lover’s Market, we’re not just committed to providing the best products to our customers – we’re also dedicated to doing so in a responsible and sustainable manner. Through our partnerships with suppliers who share our values, we’re working towards a future where quality and responsibility go hand in hand. Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable future.

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