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Morning Glen Incident


22 March 2022

With the benefit of conducting a detailed internal investigation into the incident at our Morning Glen store located in Gallo Manor, CCTV footage and eyewitness accounts confirm that a customer assaulted a member of our team on Saturday, 19th March. The customer attacked our till supervisor when she was advised that the promotion relating to the items she was purchasing was no longer running.

The customer physically attacked our till supervisor and sustained injuries when she head-butted our supervisor and consequently started bleeding. The CCTV footage of the incident details the assault and that our team member tried to move away from the customer, who first threw a cucumber at her and then pursued and physically attacked her. In no way was our team member the aggressor.

As per our previous statement, we can confirm that we have handed the CCTV footage to the investigating officer at Sandton Police Station, case number: 433/03/2022. We have been requested to make the CCTV footage available to the public, but we will not be doing so as this is now a police matter and to do so will compromise the police investigation.

We have also noted the online threats made against our team member online. Food Lover’s Market does not condone violence or aggressive behaviour in our stores, and we intend to give the SAPS our full support with their investigation into the incident. We ask the public not to take the matter into their own hands as the matter will be resolved independently by the police.


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Statement 21 March 2022

We are aware of the incident at our Morning Glen store in Gallo Manor and have secured the CCTV footage that details the assault on a member of our team. It is important to note that the Supervisor at the Gallo Manor store was not the aggressor in this incident.

The matter has been referred to the police and we will investigate internally and give all the assistance and information required to the SAPS.

We have also noted the online threats made against our team members and ask the public not to take the matter into their own hands as the matter will be resolved by the police.

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