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Bongi Blueberry Low-Carb Flapjacks with Banana Foam & Honeyed Yoghurt


These flourless flapjacks are magic for relaxed breakfasts on the weekend. They don’t add any unnecessary carbs for those of us in training, on a LCHF diet, sportsmen and the kids will love them, too. Make the banana foam in advance and if you prefer another fruit, substitute to your liking. Just don’t use acidic fruits like pineapple or kiwi as they contain enzymes which prevent setting. You can also replace the xylitol with honey, depending on how strict you are regarding carb intake.

Prep time
35 minutes
Cooking time
30 minutes

Additional Notes

When ready to serve, place 1 or 2 flapjacks on each person’s plate. Top with a good dollop of banana foam. Mix 10 ml honey into the Greek yoghurt and drizzle lightly over the foam, allowing more to pool round the flapjacks. Place the blueberries on top and around the flapjacks. Drizzle with extra honey if desired. A light sprinkling of cinnamon is also very tasty. The banana foam can be kept in the fridge, as it makes double the amount required for this recipe. It is great served on its own with fresh fruit. Or make another batch of flapjacks, they are delicious!

NB. Make the Banana Foam the night before.

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