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Frozen Sofrito Cubes


Sofrito, Soffritto (Italian), also known as Mirepoix in french dishes is the base of many Mediterranean, Latin American, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese recipes, a guaranteed way to get fantastic flavour into your dish! That’s a lot of cuisines!

It’s often the first thing to go into the pan or cooking pot and can be sautéed to bring out the flavors of the aromatics. This recipe is to make a big batch and freeze it in small portions to always have it on hand. This means you can use up any veg offcuts or use up the veg before it goes to waste. Plus, it’s super nifty to just pop out a Soffritto cube when you need that base for a recipe, like in this super easy sofrito chicken recipe.

Freezing time: 3 hours or overnight

Total time: 3 hours 10 minutes

Prep time
10 minutes
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