An omelette is a quick and easy protein-packed meal (not just a breakfast) with endless options for flavour additions, and you can whip it up at work! Inspired by Dr Suess with green eggs and ham, we’ve added the phytonutrients you need to this omelette by using fresh spinach or kale, a tiny dose of Spirulina, Vitamin C rich bell peppers, and fresh Spring onion.
If you need something even quicker and easier, you can make this omelette in a mug. Find the mug omelette recipe here.
Prep time 8 minutes
Cooking time 2 minutes
Serves 2
3 eggs
60ml (2 Tbsp) bell pepper, finely chopped
125ml (1/2 cup) spinach or kale, finely chopped
60ml (1/4 cup) spring onions, sliced thinly
5ml (1 tsp) mixed herbs, to taste
Salt & Pepper, to taste
*Optional – 15ml (1 Tbsp) feta cheese, crumbled
*Optional – 2.5ml (½ tsp) spirulina powder
Whisk the eggs in the mug. Add all the other ingredients and mix.
Heat a nonstick pan over medium-low heat, with a touch of olive oil or butter.
Add half the egg mix to the pan and cook without stirring until the edges begin to set. With a silicone spatula, push the edges toward the center of the pan and tilt the pan so the uncooked eggs move to the edge. Repeat until the eggs are somewhat set but still a little soft in the center, about 6 minutes
Optional* Add some steamed broccoli, mushrooms, cheese or filling of choice, in a line down the center of the omelette and cook for about 1 minute longer, or until the eggs are mostly set but still a little soft in the center. Fold over and enjoy!
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