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Prime Rib with Fresh Thyme & Horseradish Crust on a Bed of Sweet Veg


This is the ultimate “feasting” dish and makes a grand entrance at any family dinner; buy the prime rib as large as you prefer but we don’t recommend less than 3 ribs for ideal roasting. The tang of the horseradish is tempered by the mustard and thyme, which totally complements the sweetish veggies and the sauce is the piece de resistance.

Prep time
35 minutes
Cooking time
3 hours

Additional Notes

NB. If you want to prepare the meat on the braai, cook until about ½ way through in oven, remove from oven and cut into thick “chops” and finish off on a medium-cool braai, basting with extra butter and any leftover horseradish cream on the fatty side.

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