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Roasted Hasselback Sweet Potatoes

Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, one of the best ways to enjoy potatoes…Hasselback! These Hasselback sweet potatoes are extremely versatile, they can be served with absolutely anything — as a side or as a main on their own.


Additional Notes

Can you Hasselback other vegetables?

YES! Of course, you can, you can make Hasselback potatoes, turnips, butternuts, and more.

What can I serve with these Hasselback sweet potatoes?

We recommend serving these sweet potatoes with a signature rump steak and a mushroom sauce. A succulent roast chicken, or enjoy them as a main dish with a green chimichurri sauce, or this chickpea filling.

What if I don’t have pesto?

If you do not have pesto, we would highly suggest buying some   or simply use finely chopped herbs, like 2 Tbsp of parsley or coriander.

Food Lover’s Market has different types of Sweet Potatoes, which Sweet Potato do I use?

You can use any sweet potato you love most!

  • Most often, in South Africa, you will find the purple-skinned (white flesh) sweet potatoes, these are Beauregard sweet potatoes. There are different varietals such as Blesbok, Bosbok and Ribbok.
  •  In season, you will find Orange Sweet potatoes (orange skin and flesh), a varietal in South African would be Impilo and Bophelo. 
  • You may also find white skin and fleshed sweet potatoes, these varietals are Ndou & Monate.


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