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Soaring Free Superfoods: Boost your Immune system with Hemp Seeds as Complete Protein

An ancient and diverse plant, Hemp is a complete protein-rich food and is perfect as a muscle builder, energy booster as well as a potent source of brain food.

Did you know that Hemp seeds are in fact an alkalizing protein source? Having a balance of acid and alkaline rich foods in your diet is important for well-being.

Here are some other reasons to eat Hemp seeds:

  • They are high in Vitamin D
  • They are easily digestible complete protein for building and repairing tissue
  • They provide immune system support
  • They assist with digestive and colon health

The Hemp seed, typically called a nut, contains about 30% oil of which 7% is saturated fats and 37% is protein.

They contain plenty of

  • Vitamins A, B’s, and C
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Sulfur

Extend your knowledge about Hemp Seeds a little further:

Hemp seeds are a complete protein, they contain a good dose of the 8 essential amino acids (Essential means that you need to get these nutrients from foods because your body can’t make them itself). Hemp protein is made up of 35% Albumen and 65% Globulin Edestin. Edestin is high in Arginine (amino acid) which is needed for lowering inflammation, repairing blood vessels, kidney function, and supporting a healthy immune and cardiovascular system.

Essential Fats

Your body uses the essential fatty acids as raw materials for making cell membranes, regulating inflammations and for hormone production. They help your brain to absorb and use proteins.

Omega-3 has great anti-inflammatory properties and is necessary for the growth and repair of the brain as well as the growth and repair of all the connective tissue.

Vitamin E is a high-grade antioxidant which works to prevent free-radical damage. Essential for healthy hormones and nervous system as well as improve muscle strength and repair skin damage which means that it is an amazing nutrient for longevity.

Hemp seeds also contain the sufficient nutritional requirement of amino acids needed for infants and children, so they are a valuable source of nutrition.

So how can you use these wonderful seeds?

  • Add a tablespoon to your breakfast bowl. Including oats, granola, muesli, porridge, you name it!
  • Add a teaspoon to your smoothie
  • Sprinkle some over your seasonal salads for that crunch

Rawlicious Hemp & Pumpkin Seed Pesto

1 C pumpkin seeds, soaked
1/4 C sundried tomatoes, soaked
1/8 C almonds or pine nuts
1 clove garlic
2 T olive oil
2 T hemp protein powder
1 T lemon juice
1 t Himalayan rock salt
1 t dried mixed herbs

Mix all the ingredients together in your food processor.

Add water if the pesto is too thick.


Thanks to Soaring Free Superfoods and Rawlicious for providing us with this insightful knowledge and educating us on the beautiful Hemp Seed.

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