We are aware that an image of the price of lean beef mince has been circulating on Facebook, suggesting that Food Lover’s Market has raised the price of this product and is engaging in price gouging. We wish to confirm that this uncredited image is a few weeks old and that we have previously addressed the accusation of price gouging by confirming that the price of lean beef mince is correct and market-related. To reiterate our response, we have not used the COVID-19 crisis to increase any of our prices and we will continue to deliver value-driven products to our customers. In particular, the price of lean beef mince continues to be market-related.
As always, prices will be dictated by market conditions and we will not be profiteering from this crisis. We have issued strict instructions to both our stores and franchisees in this regard and swift action will be taken should any of our stores be found guilty of price gouging.
If you have any specific concerns relating to the pricing of our products, please let us know via our customer care contact centre and we will look into it: care@fnv.co.za. ?