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Do you know about the Food Lover’s Market Radio Show?

It’s been over 2 years of the Food Lover’s Market Colleague Radio Show

The 30-minute show, which is on air Friday and Monday mornings, was created in response to our 2018 survey where colleagues requested more communication from their team leaders and more information about the business in general. On 10 September, we celebrated our 100th COLLEAGUE RADIO SHOW.  The Colleague Radio Show covers everything from interviews with colleagues in stores and information about the thinking behind our business strategy, to ‘feel good’ motivational content.

Thank you to all the people who have helped support us in creating the show and to all our colleagues around the business for contributing in even the smallest way. We love hearing from all of you! A big thank you to Kate Marais, CSI Facilitator, and now radio presenter,  who has used her energy and infectious fun attitude to gain the trust of our colleagues and really bring the radio show to life!

The show is only open to colleagues and airs in the stores before we open to doors to customers. Those not store based receive it online and can enjoy it in their cars or at their desks.

Featured above: Terri Harris, Radio Producer & Colleague Engagement Manager & Kate.

Right: Kate Marais, the host and voice of The Food Lover’s Market Colleague Radio Show. 


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